
3 Seascape Wallpaper from Abigail Edwards

This wallpaper is just so good.  I love the ways are stylized and look hand drawn.

Found thanks to Design*Sponge.


0 Subtle Yellow Accents

I love these subtle yellow details.

From Covet Garden Magazine. Photography by Donna Griffith. Found thanks to Bloesem.


0 Whale Bookends!?

Oh Jonathan Adler, you certainly know the way to my heart...whale bookends!? Um YES!!



2 Kitchen from Southern Living

I'm kind of really in love with this kitchen and eating area.  It's from Southern Living - it's a tinge too country for me, but there are a lot of really great elements.

Found thanks to Sweetie Pie Style  via Pinterest. 


7 Around the Apartment

A few shots from around the apartment this weekend...we are still working on every room, but things are starting to really come together.  The art wall in the living room got a little more art, which makes me very happy.  We are still really enjoying our balcony a lot (still need to plant the rest of our succulents and find fabric to cover our ottomans). Our problems with the apartment (which I haven't even really gone into on here, but have certainly slowed the process of getting settled) seem (fingers crossed) to be dying down, so hopefully in the next few weeks we will make a lot of progress...

6 Missoni for Target

I couldn't resist ordering a couple of things from the Missoni for Target line... Did you get what you wanted before everything sold out?

I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited about that pouf.  I don't even know where it is going to go...but I like it.

Fabric Pentagonal Pouf - Black & White Zig Zag


0 Black and White Masking Tape Art

Sun K. Kwak does drawings using masking tape.  I love it.

Found thanks to Lonny Magazine. 

0 PCH Series from MASH Studios

You know I'm a big fan of MASH Studios.  Wood and shiny metal make a very happy combination in their new (?) PCH Series.


6 Random

I'm just posting random things to test out the new blogger app... It's working pretty well.

I randomly took this photo of myself the other day, and for some reason I love it.


0 Barcode House

Barcode House by David Jameson. I love the open volume of this house.  I wonder if they have curtains...

Found thanks to Dezeen.  Photography by Paul Warchol.


9 So Much Apartment Progress!!

I know these photos are totally wonky (taken in the dark), but we got so much done this weekend I just had to share a little bit.

We used the long weekend to really work on the house...this is what we accomplished:
+ Purchased paint for the bathrooms - and painted!
+ Purchased patio chairs
+ Purchased succulents, cacti, and planters - and planted them
+ Purchased throw pillows and fillers for the couches and patio
+ Purchased accessories for the bathroom and patio
+ Hung some art in the living room
+ Donated six bags of clothes
+ Cleaned all over

I'm so excited.  I feel like things are starting to really come together.  I hope to have more photos to share soon.

I hope you guys had a good and productive (or purposely not) weekend too!


3 Amazing Closet Room

What do I need to do to get a closet like this? 

From Bolaget. Found thanks to Emmas Design Blog. 


1 Folding Tomb

The first word that pops into my head when I saw this: Folding.  They were always talking about folding in architecture school.  I love the origami-ish facets created in this tomb.  This folding feels really appropriate.  

Panteon Nube designed by Clavel Arquitectos.  Found thanks to Today and Tomorrow. 

0 Kitchen from Barbara Hill

This kitchen from the portfolio of Barbara Hill is simple and lovely. 


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