Want to advertise on {Black.White.Yellow.}?
I offer very affordable rates. Just email me at blackwhiteyellowblog@gmail.com
The design of your ad should fit with my blog scheme...This doesn't mean it has to be black,white, and yellow. I never have, but I reserve the right to ask you to redesign accordingly. You can switch your ad every two months if you'd like. I recommend switching at least every six months.
Ads should be 125px X 125px, 150dpi. Fixed images.
Animated ads will be accepted upon approval for a slightly extra fee.
Payments should be made to Paypal and are due the first of each month. There is no length commitment, but I ask that you give me at least a week notice before cancelling.
I LOVE great trades...just ask!
I always do an introduction post featuring your work/store. If you have any sales, specials, shows, etc. let me know and I will try to help spread the word.
Please note: I generally only accept ads that are for products that I would use, or shops that I would buy from. I want the ads to fit into the fabric of the blog. Thanks for your understanding on this matter.