What I Love...
{Image 1} Via: Apartment Therapy : The light, the clean crispness of a white bed...
{Image 2} Via: Hus & Hem : the fact that this kitchen looks used...in a good way. The open shelving, the pendant light, the bar for hanging this {which has a lot more character than my Ikea version}...
{Image 3} Via: House No. 8 via Canadian House & Home : Chalkboard wall {another trend that I'm just not getting tired of}, the anatomy of a flower, how well all of these element work together in this room. I would love to attend a dinner party there...
{Image 4} Via: Flickr : The art/photograph wall, the chairs, the pedant lamp, the blue floors...
love the chalkboard art in the dining room - I would love to be able to draw something like that on such a large scale so well.
I added it to our list at http://designsketchpad.tumblr.com/
at first glance, thought it was one residence's photos and wanted to move in immediately :)
I still love the photos. the rooms are dreamy!
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