I realize this is very random. I, Jessica, used to be addicted to Starbucks. I would stop everyday before work and occasionally in the afternoon. Sometimes I would supplement my addiction with nasty office coffee if I was unable to get to Starbucks. One of my unwritten resolutions for myself this year was to give up this addiction...and I have! I switched to tea in the mornings {which I've always loved anyway}. Every once in a while I stop at Starbucks for a treat. It makes me happy to think of the empty calories I am avoiding and the money I am saving.
This said, these items from Etsy with coffee themes are fantastic:
I'm still addicted to Starbucks... and to coffee! I know I should stop... did you find it hard? :)
i'm addicted too! there is so much drama and turbulence at my fashion job that it is nice to have one constant and that constant is a consistently good but over priced double tall latte.
you know you have a problem when the starbucks gives your a christmas card with your name on it! i only have 1 drink a day but i'm sure that adds up to thousands of dollars each year.
i am awed by your strength and conviction!
I am with you. My drinks are Venti Soy No Whip Pumpkin Spice Lattes in the winter and Venti Soy Caramel Macchiattos the rest of the year. It used to make me really happy, I am not going to lie. The employees knew my name and my drink and I liked going there. But all my favorite employees left, and it just wasn't the same anyway
It was difficult at first. I had tried to cut back before, but I would get bad headaches and I would be cranky. This time I made the cut during the Christmas hoidays. Since I was traveling and my schedule was off anyway, it really wasn't bad.
I just did some quick math, I was spending around $1300 a year...probably more.
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