I love these ideas featured at Black*Eiffel so much that I went out and got lots of yarn {want to guess what colors?} and pom-pom makers yesterday. Last night I wound yarn until my fingers almost fell off. I hope to have something to show you before I leave for LA...
{Side Note} When I was very little I spent a lot of time at my great-grandmother's house. Making pom-poms is one of the memories I have. {along with picking up pecans from her yard, making secret potions from the plants, playing in the sprinklers with my cousins, riding my bike for hours up and down her driveway, shelling peas, eating ice cream and watermelon, watching and dancing to the theme song for Reading Rainbow, picking berries and getting stung by tons of ants, the smell of her face cream, watching her sew, and always telling her not to sleep to which she would reply "I am not sleeping, I'm just resting my eyes.}
I can't wait to see what you came up with - and what sweet memories to have, as you sit making pom poms!
My daughter got a pom pom maker. How did you attach the pom poms. I am crafty but I need some direction/help getting started? Is this just a plain green evergreen wreath to begin with? Any help would be appreicated.
My mom says the same thing - I'm not sleeping. Just resting my eyes. - It's become a joke in my family. We're all just resting our eyes.
I have never read your blog until today but I LOVE this post on the memories you shared with your Grandma--I can SO relate. And weren't we so much more inventive than kids today? Now I sound old at the ripe age of 40;)
Anyway--I remember making pom-poms for my cheerleading saddle shoes when I was little-such fun! I want to know how to make this wreath too! With my 7 year old daughter-that might be a FUN project! Do share the details:)
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