
2 The Great 2008 Calendar Search

I have started my search for the perfect 2008 wall calendar for my office...like everything, it has to be perfect: beautiful and functional...

These two classic designs have great graphic typography, and you know I love the black and white...but there is no room to write events...

This one features some of my favorite paper designs, but again has no room to write...

This one has lots of room for notes , which can even be color coded, and it has fun graphic bands at the top and bottom...very functional, but not as attractive...It reminds me of my 2007 calendar:

The Real Simple Calendar available at Mead which works and I really like...I just need something new to look at this year....

I think this might be the winner so far...fun and functionally...

Has anyone seen any other great calendars lately???


Anonymous said...

I like the last three options. Those are both cute and functional. Although, I have a feeling you are not going to pick a wall calander based on function. I am a HUGE fan of the Real Simple Calander.

jess said...

Love these calenders.

Nice Blog too!


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