Despite the prediction of rain all weekend, the weather is amazing here. {Perfect for everyone going to Jazz Fest...} I had a lovely breakfast on the balcony, overlooking the park. {Biscuits + Apricot Jam + Earl Gray + Grapefruit Juice} I love my new Zinnias from yesterday's Farmer's Market. {I've decided going to the market on Saturday mornings makes me VERY happy...}

A lovely little juicer set that stacks within itself...

Yellow Bamboo Bracelets + Black and White Earrings + Black and White Headband + Black and White Clutch {a gift from Dante} +Yellow Clutch with Black and White Lining {a gift from Mom and Lulu}

Martha Stewart Black Silhouette Frame {on clearance...I bought all of them....} + Cheap Colored Pencils {to add color to my desk at work...}

A Yellow Giant Vase from Pottery Barn {again on clearance} + Freshly Organized Fabric Stash {well part of it...I've realized I have a lot of fabric...}
your photos are stunning!! yay!!
i need to visit this "market" with you!! i love the flowers you get every week!
that juicer is divine! have you been to quince on magazine for tabletop and kitchen stuff? lovely. i could live in their display window.
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