Alright, I've decided I need to get back on track with some goals. One of my main problems lately has been time management. So my first step is getting our eating back in check, and limiting my trips to the grocery store. {Currently I go to either the grocery or to a restaurant to pick food up basically everyday after work.} My new EAT menu planner from Knock Knock was quite useful in planning out the week. Next, I went to Whole Foods and got breakfast and lunch for the whole week and dinners for three days. On the menu tonight was homemade hummus, pita chips, eggplant roll ups with olive tapenade, feta cheese, and lemonade. It was delicious!
This is a very good idea- I also do the same thing for my hubs & I. We get food every day on our way home from work- stopping at the market or either a quick location for dinner- and while it's fun to be spontanious with food- it also costs more money this way, most times as well as waists time. I am also trying this new method- food shopping, planning- I love the food planner tablet, very fun.
Thanks, and good luck to you guys. That was another motivating factor that I didn't touch on- money. We spend a lot on food, and if it were really amazing food, I wouldn't care, but so many times it's take out that wasn't all that fantastic {or good for us}...
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