
3 Week 4 Accomplishments

Week 4 Accomplishments


-NEW CURTAINS ARE FINISHED!!! This involved carefully and painstakingly ripping out every seam in the duvet cover, then re-hemming every side, and purchasing and installing the perfect-affordable-not-too-ornate-expandable-to-96" curtain at a height just beyond reach while standing on the tallest chair in the house...whew...

-Put away all of the bf's clothes that came out of his huge suitcase from his trip...


-Purchased and hung a new shelf...which ties it in with the vanity area, and really improves the look of the bathroom (you can also see my new paper covered switchplate I made last week...)

-Purged lots of toiletries and cosmetics

-Replaced my shower organizer with a more streamlined version...now I just need to find non-branded uniform bottles to continue the bottle ban into the bathroom...any suggestions??


-Purged three sacks of clothes and re-organized my closet...this is the outbox from this week...

-New perfect for fall flowers

-Cooked two great meals at home...no those black, white, and yellow dishes are no accident...

-Purchased stemware racks for the possible bar area...

The curtains were a big undertaking this week...but things are moving along...I'm trying to not let the fact that I just found out my Jeepy needs $2000 worth of transmission work get in the way of my cure...I'll just ride the bus back and forth from my wonderfully cured home...(this is a joke, the buses are scary here...)


Anonymous said...

What is this "bottle ban"? You know how much I love to boycott things.

Jessica said...

yes to the boycotts...

here's the link to the bottle ban...


an effort to rid our homes of unwanted advertising and unbeautiful objects....

Poppy Frock said...

curtains look great! you got a lot accomplished in a week.


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