
Jess Likes Lists

I think it's time I shared this with you, a little side project I've been working on:
JESS LIKES LISTS.  It's not that far along, but maybe if I share it with you it will motivate me to work on it more.

So the thing is I like list...a lot.  I live to cross things off to do lists, which I make on a very regular basis.  I have been working on my Life List for a while, and again it needs work but it's a start!

Do you like lists too?


  1. umm, yes. i sometimes write things on my calendar 'to-do' list, just to cross them off. so silly.

  2. I also like lists. And I'm also a Jess. Peculiar....

    Totally agree with Kristen, though. I'll put things I've just finished on a list just so I can cross them off!

  3. Is this a business idea, Jess? Jess likes lists. Jess writes lists, prints them in tablets and sells them so that OTHER people can check them off? Hmmmm....

  4. Sorry for being irrelevant, but I've been meaning to ask you something for a long time and it just popped into my head right now.

    What font did you use for creating your current blog design? I would really like to know.

    Maybe it's not totally appropriate to just ask like that, but I was wondering. Maybe you should put up FAQ or something :))

  5. I love to make lists too! I sort of started trying to do something with them here - http://perchnotebook.blogspot.com/
    but I'm not really a blogger so it doesn't look as cool as yours.
    Keep it going!
    Amy (of Perch!)

  6. Add me to the list of list loving Jess's.

  7. haha! It must be something about being a Jess...

    And I totally add things to my to do lists just so I can cross them off, glad I'm not alone.

    Ame, You might be on to something...

    Amy, I found your list playing on your blog not too long ago, and I was very excited.

    Dess, I don't mind you asking at all. It's called Blue Highway...

    You can download it here: http://www.dafont.com/blue-highway.font

    Although, apparently Expressway is the new version:

  8. LOVE lists. Like mixing it up with different types and sizes of paper, different pens, different spots to post the lists. Love making them trivial, just to see plenty of things crossed off ;) Your whole blog idea, with separate categories, is very inspiring.
