
Today Is A Good Day

So today marks that I'm officially one month into my sabbatical. One month ago today I quit my job and got on a plane to LA.  The last month has been good.  It has reminded me to cherish the little things in life, how important family and good friends are, and to relax.  This month has been good for my body and soul.  I look forward to the new changes that take place this next month...

The Today Poster from And I Love You She Said.

Found thanks to Design Is Mine.


  1. Oh my goodness Jess... this is so curious... I almost did the same thing three months ago. Not quit for a whole month in a sabbatical pause, but quit my high payed multinational consulting firm, because i wasn't having the time for what I found pleasure in. Took anither job, less payed yes... but with a more relaxed day... joyful people and respectful for your strengths and weaknesses. I am thrilled until this very moment. Hope you are doing great and feeling happy! Sorry for such a long comment! Hugs, Twiggs

  2. This print is wonderful...
